Table of Contents


1. Name

2. Affiliations

3. Purpose

4. Membership

5. Government

6. Amendments

7. Financial Obligations

8. Elections

9. Meetings

10. Outside Representation

11. Committees

12. Executive Committee

13. Rules and Ethics Committee

14. Authority to Bind

15. Rules of Order

16. Removal from Office

17. Alumni Directors

18. Duties of Board Members



  1. Article 1 - Name
  • Section 1 - The name of the organization shall be legally known as the Lincoln-Way District Hockey Club.
  • Section 2 - It shall also be known as LWDHC, or the Club.

  1. Article 2 - Affiliations
  • Section 1 - This organization shall be, and is hereby governed, by the rules of USA Hockey and Amateur Hockey Association of Illinois (AHAI).
  • Section 2 - In the event of the dissolution of the LWDHC, any remaining funds will be donated to a not-for-profit amateur hockey association.  All the remaining assets and property of the Club shall, after necessary expenses thereof, be distributed to another organization exempt under IRS Section 501 (C) (3), (4), or (7) or corresponding provisions of any subsequent federal government, or state, or local government for a public purpose.
  • Section 3 - Eligibility to participate in the LWDHC is not determined by sex, race, creed or color. The LWDHC does not discriminate against any person based upon sex, race, creed or color.
  • Section 4 - Notwithstanding any other provisions of these articles, the Club is organized exclusively for one or more of the purposes as specified in Section 501 (C) (7) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, and shall not carry on any activities not permitted to be carried on by a club exempt from the Federal Income Tax under IRC Section 501 (C) (7) or corresponding provisions of any subsequent federal tax laws. 
  • Section 5 - No part of the net earnings of the LWDHC shall inure to the benefit of any member,
  • trustee, director, or officer of the LWDHC, or any private individual or members of their immediate family. Reasonable compensation may be paid for services rendered to or for the LWDHC.


  1. Article 3 - Purpose
  • Section 1 - To provide an opportunity for all AHAI eligible Lincoln-Way High School District 210 students to play highly competitive hockey for their school without bias at a reasonable cost.  Ice hockey, at this level, demands team commitment and self-discipline while emphasizing sportsmanship, academic excellence, responsible citizenship and proper moral and ethical conduct.


  1. Article 4 - Membership
  • Section 1 - Regular season: Also known as the Fall season, this usually starts in August with the beginning of tryouts and ends in March after the state tournament.
  • Section 2 - Registered player: A player who is registered with LWDHC for the Regular season, in good financial standing and not having obtained a release from the organization. A player whose payments are in default is NOT a registered player.
  • Section 3 - LWDHC Membership: The membership of LWDHC consists of individuals who meet at least one of the following criteria:
  • Any LWDHC registered player.
  • The parents (custodial or non-custodial) or legal guardian of a LWDHC registered player.
  • Section 4 - Custodial Household: A household having legal custody of one or more LWDHC

registered players.

  • Section 5 - Voting Membership: The Voting Membership consists of those individuals having the right to cast a vote in all elections of the General Membership, including elections for the Board of Directors.  There shall be one parental representative from each custodial household for each registered player who shall be considered a Voting Member. Voting members may cast only one vote. For example, a custodial household with two registered LWDHC players receives two votes, one for each registered player.


  1. Article 5 - Government
  • Section 1 - The fiscal year of LWDHC shall begin on the first day of August each year, and end on the last day of July each year.
  • Section 2 - The governing body of the association shall be known as the “Board of Directors” or the "Board" and shall consist of the following Officers and Board Members:
  • Elected Position:
  • President (Officer)
  • Vice President (Officer)
  • Secretary (Officer)
  • Treasurer (Officer)
  • Members at Large (Board Member)
  • (The number of Members at Large is determined by Board size and the Vice President position can be split into two positions – VP Hockey Operations and VP Club Operations depending on need.)
  • The minimum number of Board Members is 5 with every school being represented but shall be no less than the number required by AHAI.
  • Appointed Positions
  • Registrar, to be appointed by the Board, shall be one of the elected Members at Large.
  • Chairman of the Rules & Ethics Committee, to be appointed by the Board, shall be one of the elected Members at Large.
  • Section 3 - Elections for the Board Members shall be held every year, as defined in Article 8. The term for all Board Members shall be two years.  Elections will be held in staggered terms.
  • Section 4 - All Board members shall have the responsibility to conduct and attend the board meetings with full voting rights on all issues in matters that are decided upon at said meetings.
  • Section 5 - A quorum of at least 50 percent plus one of the Board members must be present at any Board meeting for valid voting to take place.
  • Section 6 - Elected Board members shall be determined by a plurality of the total number of votes.
  • Section 7 - In the event of a vacancy on the board, the vacancy shall be filled for the remainder of that term by a Board vote. To be confirmed, the candidate must be a current member of the LWDHC or a LWDHC Alumni and receive a majority of votes based on the total membership of the Board. Any member of the Board may make nominations. (UPDATED 12/23/24)
  • Section 8 - A member of the Board shall be an individual who is a member of the LWDHC or Alumni who believes in the aims and purposes of the association as outlined in the By-Laws. A member of the Board is an individual who makes decisions based upon the best interests of the entire association(UPDATED 12/23/24)
  • Section 9 - The Board members are expected to promote LWDHC in a positive manner through their actions and comments at all times for the betterment of the Club.


  1. Article 6 - Amendments 

·      Section 1 - These By-Laws may be altered, amended or repealed and new By-Laws may be adopted at any meeting of LWDHC by following this procedure:

o  Any proposed changes or amendments must be submitted in writing by a member of the LWDHC to the President or Vice-President of the Board.

o  The President or Vice-President must immediately inform the remaining Board Members of the submitted proposal and place the item on the Agenda of a regular Board meeting or Special Board meeting occurring at least 15 days later than the date of the submission.

o  The Board shall, before presentation for consideration by the membership, take a vote on whether or not to recommend the adoption of the proposed changes or amendments.

o  If the Board votes to recommend the adoption of the proposed changes or amendments, the Board shall publish the proposed changes or amendments on the LWDHC website for the membership at least 15 days before presentation to the general membership at a general meeting.

o  The proposal shall require approval by 50% +1 of all membership votes tallied (UPDATED 12/23/24)


  1. Article 7 - Financial Obligations
  • Section 1 - All finances and financial matters shall be under the control of the Board of Directors
  • Section 2 - The board shall determine all fees and assessments. No association funds shall be used by anyone without the Board's approval.
  • Section 3 - No special dues, schedules or rates shall be set without written authorization of the Officers of the LWDHC. 
  • Section 4 - Program cost will be calculated as follows: Fixed Costs (practice ice, coaches' pay, tournaments, awards, miscellaneous operating expenses) plus Variable Costs (league fees)
  • Section 5 - There shall be no Board Member discounts. Families with multiple skaters will receive a 10% discount on additional skaters. This does not apply for families that have a goalie/skater or goalie/goalie as goalie’s already receive a discount (UPDATED 12/23/24)
  • Section 6 - The Fall / Winter Season Payment schedule will have five (5) payment dates, the payment amounts to be determined by the Board of Directors.  The first payment is due at Registration at the beginning of tryouts. The remaining due dates shall be as follows:
  • September 15th
  • October 15th
  • November 15th
  • January 31st
  • Section 7 - All payments to the LWDHC are due on or before the said due date.  The standard bank fee will be charged for any returned checks. A player's account will automatically be considered in default when a scheduled payment is more than seven days late, and the financially responsible parent has not obtained an approved payment schedule.  The Board of Directors understands that unanticipated life events may arise that will impact a club member’s ability to meet their financial obligations in a timely manner. In order to avoid default, it is the club member’s responsibility to proactively approach the club Treasurer with an alternative payment schedule proposal on or before the due date for which they have no payment or only a partial payment. The Treasurer shall then present the proposal to The Board of Directors, and they may approve, amend, or reject any alternative payment schedule proposal by majority vote. The Board may use electronic voting for this purpose. If, after seven days from the due date, the player's account is in default and no alternative payment schedule has been approved by the Board, the player shall be immediately and automatically suspended from all club activities until the past due amount has been paid in full, or until the financially responsible parent has obtained an approved alternative payment schedule from the Board.
  • Section 8 - If there is any unpaid balance on account from a prior season (Fall/Winter, Spring, or Summer), players shall be considered in default and therefore suspended.  There are no approved payment schedules for prior seasons, and all previous balances must be paid in full.
  • Section 9 - The Treasurer shall notify the Hockey Director of all suspensions immediately. In the event that financially responsible parent makes the defaulted account current, the Treasurer shall notify the Hockey Director of the immediate reinstatement of the suspended player.
  • Section 10 - The spring/summer session payment will be determined by the Board of Directors. Any player having an outstanding balance due the LWDHC from the Fall/Winter season will not be permitted to participate in any Spring or Summer LWDHC activities.
  • Section 11 - If a player suffers an injury, as confirmed by written documentation from an attending Physician, the board will evaluate the situation and determine terms of the financial obligation.
  • Section 12 - The parent or guardian that signs the paperwork is responsible for all financial commitments.
  • Section 13 - A final bill or refund will be determined and communicated in writing on or before January 15th.  Any balance due must be received no later than January 31st. The club will distribute refunds no later than January 31st. 


  1. Article 8 – Elections
  • Section 1 - Election of Board Members shall take place at the "Annual Membership Meeting" usually held prior to the end of the regular fall season. After the election, the newly elected members shall meet privately and determine by debate and majority vote which position each newly elected Board Member shall take on the new Board. The newly elected Board of Directors shall be seated at the conclusion of the Regular season, including playoffs and tournaments.
  • Section 2 - Voting will be by individual ballot, as provided in Article 4, and each voting member has one vote.  Signed absentee ballots will be recognized provided they are received by an Officer no later than ten days prior to the date of the election.
  • Section 3 - Anyone wishing to run for the Board of Directors is required to submit a written Letter of Intent to an Officer of the LWDHC at least 30 days prior to the date of the election. All Letters of Intent will be published on the LWDHC website for the membership to review.
  • Section 4 - Section 4 - Candidates for office must be members of the LWDHC or an Alumni who left the club in good standing. (UPDATED 12/23/24)
  • Section 5 - Candidates must receive an “Approval Vote” on a majority of ballots cast in order to be elected to the board.
  • Section 6 - The number of available board positions will be determined by the current board prior to the election.
  • Section 7 - If more candidates run for election than available board positions, the candidate(s) with the most approval votes will be seated on the board.


  1. Article 9 – Meetings
  • Section 1 - The President or a majority of the Board may call “General Membership Meetings” and board meetings.
  • Section 2 - Board meetings shall be scheduled at least once a month during the regular Hockey season and shall be open to the general membership unless the Board deems it necessary to have a closed-door session in which case at least part of the Board meeting will be open to the Membership.
  • Section 3 - Any Board Member shall be able to add items to the agenda of the General Membership Meetings.
  • Section 4 - The Annual Membership Meeting for the purpose of electing officers shall be held each year prior to end of the fall season.
  • Section 5 - The notice and agendas of the Annual Membership Meeting and of General Membership Meetings and Board Meetings shall be published on the LWDHC website at least 7 days prior to said meetings.
  • Section 6 - Notice of any special meeting shall be given by written notice, delivered personally or mailed to each Officer at his/her business or home address, by text (UPDATED 12/23/24), by telephone, or by e-mail.  Any Officer may waive notice of any meeting.  The attendance of a Director or Officer at any meeting shall constitute a waiver of notice of such meeting.


  1. Article 10 - Outside Representation
  • Section 1 - The President shall be the official representative of LWDHC in all areas which are under his/her jurisdiction. However, the President may appoint another Board member to represent LWDHC.


  1. Article 11 – Committees
  • Section 1 - The Board shall form committees as needed to effectively carry out club activities.
  • Section 2 - The Board with the Board’s approval shall appoint all committee chairpersons.
  • Section 3 - The President shall be an ex-officio member of all committees.
  • Section 4 - Any additional committees shall be added as needed and shall be made up of volunteers of the membership.
  • Section 5 - The Board is required to always have a sitting Rules and Ethics Committees
  • Section 6 - All committee decisions and actions are subject to Board approval.


  1. Article 12 - Executive Committee
  • Section 1 - The Executive Committee consists of the Officers of the organization, in this case the President, Vice-President (s), Secretary and Treasurer.
  • Section 2 - The Executive Committee, at its discretion, may hold Executive Committee meetings closed to the General Membership to handle emergency situations, irresolvable financial situations, legal difficulties, and violations of Lincoln-Way Community School District 210 policies.


  1. Article 13 - Rules and Ethics Committee
  • Section 1 - The Rules and Ethics Committee (R&EC) shall consist of at least five members with each participant school represented.
  • Section 2 - The Board shall appoint the members of the R&EC, and the Chairperson must be a Board Member. The remaining members must be members of the LWDHC.
  • Section 3 - The name of the chairperson of the R&EC shall be posted on the website of the LWDHC.
  • Section 4 - A quorum of three R&EC members shall be required for the Committee to conduct its business.  The R&EC may conduct its business in person or through emails, faxes, or any other technology which enables written or verbal communication.
  • Section 5 - The R&EC shall have jurisdiction over the administration and enforcement of the By-Laws and rules of the LWDHC.  
  • Section 6 - The R&EC shall have the authority to render a decision and to suspend, place on probation, or impose other disciplinary sanctions against any player, parent, coach, spectator, or Board Member determined to have violated the By-Laws or rules, or for conduct deemed by the R&EC not to be in the best interest of the LWDHC.
  • Section 7The R&EC shall maintain appropriate written records of all matters brought forth.
  • Section 8 - All complaints, problems, or suggestions should be brought to the attention of the R&EC, either in written or email form to one or more of the members of the R&EC.
  • Section 9 - All decisions of the R&EC are final upon Board approval, but decisions may be appealed to the Board of Directors. In the event that the Board of Directors does not approve a recommendation of the R&EC, and if that decision is felt to have been made in gross error, the R&EC reserves the right to place the item on the agenda of the next open Board Meeting and take the matter public.
  • Section 10 - Any parent, player, coach, spectator, or member affected by a decision of the R&EC may file a written appeal with the Board President within ten days of receipt of the R&EC decision
  • Section 11 - The President shall bring the appeal to the Board of Directors and at that time the appeal will be acted upon and the decision of the Board of Directors of the LWDHC shall be final.


  1. Article 14 - Authority to Bind
  • Section 1 - No member of this association shall contract for or enter into any agreement, or otherwise obligate this association, financially or otherwise, without proper authorization from the Board.


  1. Article 15 - Rules of Order
  • Section 1 - The rules contained in "Roberts Rules of Order" (newly revised) shall govern this organization in all cases to which they are applicable and where they are not inconsistent with the By-Laws of the organization.


  1. Article 16 - Removal from Office
  • Section 1 - Any Board member may be removed from office as a result of failure to fulfill the duties of said office or for conduct detrimental to the best interests of the association. Said removal must abide by the following procedures:
  • A petition stating the charge shall be filed with the President and signed by two-thirds of the Board.
  • The Secretary shall notify in writing each Board member 10 days before the question will be placed on a meeting agenda. An email with receipt is an acceptable form of notification. 
  • Said Board member shall be given written notice of the charge at least 10 days before the question will be placed on a meeting agenda.
  • The petitioners shall present their case first; said Board member shall be heard second; discussion will be third; and finally a vote will be taken by the Board.  A two-thirds vote of the Board shall be necessary to remove said member from office.
  • Should the President be the Board member in question, then the Vice President shall preside over the removal proceedings. No removal proceedings shall be based upon the same evidence more than once.           

  1. Article 17 - Alumni Directors (UPDATED 12/23/24)

·      Section 1 In support of the LWDHC and in the interest of keeping former members of the LWDHC involved in the promotion of the Club, former members of the LWDHC or Alumni may submit a Letter of Intent to be considered for Board Membership and/or may be appointed by the Board. The Board shall only appoint an Alumni member to the Board should the Current Board fall under 5 members. Should an Alumni wish to be considered for Board consideration during an election period, they shall submit a Letter of Interest pursuant to Article 8 above.

·      Section 2 - To be considered as an Alumni Director an individual must meet at least one of the following criteria: o

o  Is an adult over the age of 21 who at some time in the past has been a LWDHC registered player who left the club in good standing

o  An adult who at one time was a parent or guardian of a LWDHC registered player and left the club in good standing.

·      Section 3 - Proposed Alumni Directors are to be nominated to the Board by any member of the LWDHC. Alumni Directors shall be appointed by the newly elected Board Members whose numbers do not meet the necessary number of five.

·      Section 4 - Alumni Directors may hold any position on the Board, and shall be appointed to serve for a two year terms.

·      Section 5 - All rules and regulations governing the Board of Directors shall apply to the Alumni Directors 


  1. Article 18 - Duties of Board Members
  • Section 1 - President (Have voting rights)
  • Shall be the Chief Executive Officer of LWDHC
  • Shall act as administrative representative at all outside activities concerning the association, or may designate a Board member to represent LWDHC in such matters.
  • Shall be responsible for appointing and charging all committees and appointing committee chairpersons acting on behalf of LWDHC, with the approval of the Board.
  • Schedule the season’s activities relative to administrative functions.
  • Ensure that funds are available.
  • Shall be responsible for making rulings not covered under the By-Laws
  • All actions are subject to Board approval.
  • Shall be ex officio member of all Committees.
  • Section 2 - Vice President
  • Shall be a general adviser to the President and the Board.
  • Shall act as president when the President is unavailable.
  • Shall perform those duties assigned to him/her by the President.
  • Shall be responsible for all interactions with other hockey organizations.
  • Shall be responsible for overseeing the administrative activities of the association.
  • Develop annual operating plans and budget for all Hockey operations.
  • Develop team operating plans and resource allocations.
  • All actions are subject to Board approval.
  • (If more than one VP then roles will be defined based on title and needs.)
  • Section 3 – Secretary
  • Shall keep permanent records of the business meetings of the association, issue notice of meetings, conduct correspondence, and record the minutes of each meeting.
  • Shall be responsible for overseeing the posting of all minutes and agendas on the LWDHC website.
  • Shall keep and publish a directory of the Board members.
  • Shall keep a current General Membership list
  • Shall provide a copy of the current By-Laws and policies at all meetings.
  • Shall perform such other duties as may be assigned to him/her by the Board.
  • All records of the Secretary shall remain the property of the organization.
  • All actions are subject to Board approval.
  • Section 4 – Treasurer
  • Shall be the primary authorized signature for checks and disbursement of monies.
  • Shall keep current detailed financial records.
  • Shall keep the board up to date on all financial matters affecting the running of the club.
  • Shall report financial status at all LWDHC general meetings and have copies available for the membership.
  • Shall only dispense funds in accordance with the By-Laws and other rules pertaining to expenditure of LWDHC funds.
  • Shall have available upon request an annual report for the LWDHC "Annual Membership Meeting”
  • Shall be responsible for obtaining and retaining tax-exempt status and filing of appropriate reports with the state and federal agencies.
  • Shall be aware of all current IRS rules regarding 501 (c) (7) organizations.
  • Shall be responsible for paying independent contractors/vendors and keeping accurate records.
  • Shall check the postal box weekly.
  • All actions are subject to Board approval.
  • Section 5 - Registrar
  • Shall be responsible for registering all members
  • Shall submit all individual member rosters.
  • Shall submit all required rosters on a timely basis.
  • Shall maintain a current list of members.
  • Shall maintain current and accurate records of all registration activities.
  • Shall ensure all statutory requirements are met.
  • All actions are subject to Board approval.
  • Section 6 - Member at Large
  • Shall be responsible for carrying out tasks assigned by the President
  • Shall be responsible to fill in, as needed, any empty Board positions. 
  • All actions are subject to Board approval.

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